
An Investment Website in Django

Primary LanguageCSS

DjangoDiamond Cash

Project Setup:

Install Python (if not installed)

Step 1: git clone https://github.com/giftbalogun/DjangoDiamond.git in your terminal

Setup Virual Environment

pip install virtualenv

Step 2: virtualenv env (create virtual env )

Open Powershell as Admin Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Step 3: ./env/Scripts/activate (windows, activating Virtual Environment)

Step 3: pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Create A Database with Postgres or any desired

NOTE: If any need please mail me on blgnbalogun53@gmail.com

Main Developers: Gift Balogun

About Project

This Project is an investment webiste, where people invest certain amount of money and get paid after few days or months after successful investment. They also can refer people to the website which can earn them points. They also can also provide help to people who choose to get help and vise versa.

Join the Slack Chat https://join.slack.com/t/diamondcash/shared_invite/zt-gkl7blr7-tbdVJyGqztWVH7Z7bQjqkw

Live Demo Website: https://diamond-cash.herokuapp.com/