
Web application for cycling enthusiasts to plan biking trips

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bike Trail Guide Overview

Planning your next bike ride has never been easier with Trailr - an interactive guide connecting you to over 278K kilometres of trails in Canada. Learn everything you need to know before you ride, including the trail's level of difficulty, rating and even what the weather will be like that day. Whether you're a leisure cyclist, a biking enthusiast or outdoor adventurer, Trailr has you covered.

APIs Used

The following APIs were used for this website:
* [Trail API] (https://rapidapi.com/trailapi/api/trailapi/)
* [Weather API] (https://open-meteo.com/en)
* [GeoCode API] (https://developer.here.com/)

Technologies Used

Justinmind Tailwind Bootstrap

Languages Used

HTML CSS JavaScript

Deployed Links

* [GITHUB LINK] (https://github.com/giftilicious/Travel-Guide)
* [Demo site] (https://giftilicious.github.io/Travel-Guide/)

User Story

AS A leisure cyclist who enjoys the outdoors, I WANT to find new trails in my area along with other destinations throughout Canada SO THAT I can develop my cycling skills as well as plan new ways of spending quality time with family and friends.



GIVEN I am planning a bike ride WHEN I enter the destination city I want to go to (ex, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, etc) THEN A list of outdoor trails along with current weather conditions is displayed for me. WHEN I click on the "Learn More" link, I am provided with further information about the trail, including more photos and maps.