Tool for viewing TODO comments

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Named from TODO done. Simple command line tool to search and sort your TODO comments (later not only in JS files).

Comment structure

Here is the basic comment structure this utility operates:
// TODO <author>; <date>; <text>
You may use \t or \s character between // and TODO in any amounts. Between ; and <smth> you may use 0-1 \s character. If you do not use author and date fields both you may insert ;; or not:

// TODO this is comment with empty fields
// TODO ;; this is comment with empty fields

If you do not use only one field you must insert ; after each:

// TODO <author>;; this is comment without date
// TODO ;<date>; this is comment without author

Field date consists of year, month and day in this order: yyyy[-mm[-dd]], where year is obligatory. It is not possible to use only year and day. Examples with all possible date variants:

// TODO <author>;2018; this is comment with author and year
// TODO ;2018-06; this is comment without author, but with year and month
// TODO ;2018-06-01; this is comment without author, but with year, month and day


To run use file bin/tododon.js:
node tododon.js <command> <flags>

Available commands

show - shows all found TODO comments
important - shows only important (with exclamation marks) TODO
user <username> - shows comments only from given user, this command is not registersensible; you may not end username;
date <year>[-<month>-<day>] - shows TODO comments after given date
sort importance|date|user - sorts TODO by amount of exclamations, date or groups by users

Available flags

-nocut - draws table with full text in cells
-ignore=<ignore_list> - sets file/dir masks for paths where search will not be executed. Masks must be divided with ';' character.
-target=<target_path> - sets path to the directory where search will start. May be relative or absolute.


-ignore flag uses masks to ignore files and dirs. There are only 2 service characters available: * (here is strings with any length with any symbols) and ? (here is any character).


For the file structure given below and current location in /proj/bin:

/proj ┬ /build ─ bin.js
      ├ /node_modules ─ ...
      ├ /.git ─ ...
      ├ index.js
      └ webpack.config.js

tododon <command> - will process all TODO comments in bin.js
tododon <command> -target=../ - will process all TODO comments in files contained in /proj dir and in its subdirs
tododon <command> -target=../ -ignore=node_modules - like the previous one, but everything in node_modules will be ignored
tododon <command> -target=../ -ignore=node_modules;.git - ignoring node_modules and .git dirs