Bearing only tracking algorithms investigation

Model and realization of the several algorithms for bearing-only tracking automated process for comparing their accuracy.

Table of contents

  1. Setup
  2. Model 2.1. Input files


This project uses poetry for managing dependencies. Setup project with following command:

poetry install

If poetry is not located by shell but written in $PATH, try use poetry.bat instead (ocurred on cygwin64 terminal).


Model restores traces of the several objects by points given for each and provides access to the positions of all objects in specified time.

Input files

Input files must be in CSV format with , separator (comma). Columns of the table must contain following information in order listed below:

  1. LAT - latitude coordinate of the object
  2. LNG - longitude coordinate of the object
  3. SPEED - speed of the object on the trace segment between current and next specified position Inputted file must contain more than one point description.