
Backend for the Visual Studio Code extension

Primary LanguagePython

LM-Powered: bringing neural language models to your IDE - Backend

Quick start


Python version >= 3.6 required. Download and install Python from the official website https://www.python.org/downloads/


Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/giganticode/lm-powered-backend.git


Run the 'install_and_run.bat'-Script - it will install all dependencies and start the webservice.

cd lm-powered-backend


Run the 'install_and_run.sh'-Script - it will install all dependencies and start the webservice.

cd lm-powered-backend
sh install_and_run.sh

Manual installation

Windows only

Install PyTorch

pip3 install torch===1.3.1 torchvision===0.4.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

Install python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the webservice

python webservice.py 

Optional parameters:

--port=8080 => Set the port of the webservice (default 8080)

--host= => Set the host of the webservice (default )

--debug => Enable the debug mode (default false)

--use-cache => Use only cached models

--no-cache => Download all available models from the server

Start the webservice with the provided script

run the run.bat-script (Windows) or the run.sh-script (UNIX)

Running this script will start the webservice.

Note: on Windows you have to install PyTorch (See section 'Windows only')

Install the extension for Visual Studio Code

Open Visual Studio Code and open the Extensions-page (Ctrl + Shift + X)

Click on 'More actions' (...) on the right top corner of the extensions sidebar, select 'Install from VSIX...' and select the file 'lmpowered-0.0.1.vsix'. Activate the extension afterwards.