
Slackbot for Umunhum Brewing

Primary LanguagePython


Slackbot for Umunhum Brewing



  "@umbot help"   -        show this message

list events|beer|brewery|hops|(ferm|fermentables|grains)|yeast|styles|recipes [long]


  "@umbot list hops"   -               List of all hops in database
  "@umbot list styles long"   -      List of beer styles in database. "long" adds details not just names
  "@umbot list events"   -             List the next five upcoming events on meetup.com

  "@umbot list beer [beer name]"   -   List beers found on untappd.com. Leave beer name blank will search "umunhum brewing"

  "@umbot list brewery" or "list bry"  - List people on untappd.com drinking beer from Umunhum brewing

explain hop|(ferm|fermentables|grains)|yeast|style|recipe <name of ingredient, style, or recipe to explain>


  "@umbot explain hop Cascade"   -     This will give a detaled explanation of hop Cascade
  "@umbot ex ferm Vienna         -     Details on grain of type Vienna. "ex" abbv for explanation

inventory add|delete|list|expot|import

list - list sales

add - Addes a new sales transaction to inventory list:

      Add format:  @umbot inventory add <amount> <type> of <name> to <location> [from <first name>]

      <type> is 'sixtel', 'case', or 'half'

      <name> is code name for beer:
      SAS    Stout as a service
      HS     Hismen Sii
      IPO    IPO IPA


        @umbot inventory add 3 Sixtle of SAS to Taplands from David
        @umbot inv add 6 case of IPO to Loft from Juelles

delete - (Not Supported Yet) delete an existing sales record

export - (Not Supported Yet) Export data to specified format

      EXCEL   Windows excel spreadsheet
      COMMA   Comma seperated list

calc OgToBrix|BrixToOg|RefactoToFg

  RefactoToFg - takes original Brix and Final Brix measured from refractometer and returns the actual brix
    RefactoToFg <brix Og> <brix Fg>


  "@umbot calc ogtobrix 1.089"   (returns "Brix is 21.35")
  "@umbot calc BrixToOg 21.35"   (Returns "Original Gravity is 1.0890")
  "@umbot calc RefractoToFg 19.3 11.3"  (Returns "Final gravity is 1.0228")

source Show URL to umbot Source code on GitHub

@umbot source

>> https://github.com/gigatropolis/umbot


Here are some ideas:

  • @umbot where to buy - gives a list of our customers or a link to a map of them
  • @umbot events - gives a list of the next 5 events from our meetup channel
  • @umbot board - lists the slack names of the board members suitable for copying and pasting into a slack message
  • @umbot subcommittees - lists the slack channels (like #member-recruiting) that belong to the standing subcommittees.