
Plugin for Cordova

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Plugin for Cordova

Until I get the time, this is the quick install

  1. Add platform ios
  2. Add plugin
  3. Build ios
  4. Follow the instructions on https://github.com/iZettle/sdk-ios
  5. Ready



initIZettle( apiKey );

##Force an account

setEnforcedUserAccount( stringAccount );

Need iZettle SDK 1.2.4+ on iPhone

##Retrieve payment info for a reference

retrievePaymentInfoForReference (reference, onSuccessCallback, onFailedCallback );

##Present settings


##Charge Perform a payment with an amount and a reference.

chargeAmount( amount, reference, onSuccessCallback, onFailedCallback );
  • apiKey: The API key from iZettle
  • amount: The amount string to be charged in the logged in users currency.
  • currency: Only used for validation. If the value of this parameter doesn't match the users currency the user will be notified and then logged out. For a complete list of valid currency codes, see ISO 4217
  • reference: The payment reference. Used to identify an iZettle payment, used when retrieving payment information at a later time or performing a refund. Max length 128.