
Mapserver style for campsite features not rendered in OSM standard tile layer

Primary LanguageMakefile

OpenCampingMap campsite features layer

The campsite features layer is currently generated by MapServer.

The following is an (likely incomplete) instruction for installing this on Debian/Ubuntu where the direct call of the mapserv binary has been masked using mod_rewrite for security reasons.

This will need a running instance of osmpoidb.

  1. Create a symbolic link from mapserv cgi into your local www-root:
ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mapserv mapserv.fcgi
  1. Install libapache2-mod-fcgid and cgi-mapserver:
apt install libapache2-mod-fcgid cgi-mapserver
  1. Hide the mapserv.fcgi by Apache rewrite rule (adapt path to camp-pitches.map in example):
# This will deny a direct call of mapserv cgi
RewriteRule "^/mapserv.fcgi" "-" [F]
# This will redirect a tile URL request to mapserv cgi
RewriteRule ^/camping_features/+([0-9]+)/+([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\.png$ /cgi-bin/mapserv?MAP=/osm/camping/pitch-layer/camp-pitches.map&MODE=tile&TILEMODE=gmap&FORMAT=image/png&LAYERS=default&TILE=$2+$3+$1 [PT]
  1. Adapt path to notofonts.lst in camp-pitches.map.

  2. Restart Apache webserver.