
Beginner's guide for Git/Github

Learning points (What, Why, How)

  • What is version control? ( What is git? )
  • Working Directory, Staging Area, Local Repository and Remote Repository.
  • common Git commands (Common terminal CLI commands)


  • Create a Github Account.

  • Install Git in your env.

    $ git --version   # check the version
  • First-Time Git Setup

    $ git config --global user.name "supergigi"
    $ git config --global user.email supergigi@example.com
    $ git config --list   # checking your settings
  • Initializing a Repository

    • Name: HelloWorld
    • Add File: README.md, hideme.md
    • Commit: my first commit
    • Branch: master
    • Add Ignoring Files(.gitignore): hideme.md
      $ git rm --cached "hideme.md"   
  • View records (logs)

    $ git log
    $ git show {commit_id} 
    $ git log -p -HEAD  
    $ git log -p -{n}   # View the content of the last n commits
    $ git log --oneline --graph
    $ git log --oneline --author="Gigi|Trista"
    $ git log --oneline --grep="can you find me"
    $ git log --oneline --since="8am" --until="17pm"
    $ git blame -L 5,10 whoIsTheBadGuy.md
  • branch

  • tags

  • Collaborating

Additional resources

  • Credential Storage

    git config --global credential.helper cache   # the default is 15 minutes
    git config --global credential.helper store   # store credentials on disk
    git config --global credential.helper reset
  • Git Aliases

    $ git config --global alias.co checkout
    $ git config --global alias.br branch
    $ git config --global alias.ci commit
    $ git config --global alias.st status
  • 為你自己學Git 作者:高見龍