PyPVE is a CLI app for managing a Proxmox cluster. It is built with Typer, and utilizes the Proxmox Virtualization Environment API.
PyPVE currently supports:
Prints the status of all the nodes in the cluster or the status of all of the VMs in the cluster.
Starts the LXC or QEMU virtual machine with the specified VMID.
Gracefully stops the LXC or QEMU virtual machine with the specified VMID.
The project is being developed on Python 3.9.1. Install the required packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
and create the required JSON files in the same folder as
Defines the host on which the API will be accessed. Should be in the following format:
{ "host": "[host IP or FQDN]" }
Defines the API user's name, the name of the API key and the API key itself. Should be in the following format:
{ "username": "[user]@pam", "name": "[name of API key]", "value": "[API key]" }
After that's set up, you can use this CLI app with the following syntax: python [command] [arguments] [options]
You can generate your own Proxmox API token in the datacenter view, in Permissions => API Tokens
, where you press the add
button at the top of the page. The token itself must be saved to a file as it is only shown once upon generation.
I am currently adding support for creating LXC containers from the CLI.