
This is a bot that will send you a gently reminder that you need to do daily standup

Primary LanguageTypeScript

BOT Mang Udin

Mang Udin is a Slack Bot that has a main function to send a reminder for each of users inside a particular channel. In our case we use Mang Udin to send a gently reminder to each of team member to do daily standup at 10 AM 😀.

Pre Requirement

  • NodeJS Runtime 8.10
  • Serverless Framework
  • Slack Account


  • First of all, you have to clone its repository
git clone https://github.com/Etsuriltd/Mang-Udin-Bot.git
  • Install Required Packages You can install required packages by running this command npm install

  • Configure Token and Channel As explained before, this is a Slack Application, so that you need to have a team slack account and create an application with it. Once its done you will get a token that you can use and put it in env.yml file. There are three variables that need to be configured inside that file.

  1. token - this is a token that you will get from Slack
  2. channel_destination - Each team has different their own time clock, we use channel to identify each of team members that will get a reminder message
  3. channel_name - Name of your channel
  • Configure Serverless.yml Serverless.yml is a configuration that you need for Lambda Deployment. There is a specific configuration that need to be set for your scheduled.

In our case we have a daily standup at 10 AM Jakarta Time, so that in our configuration file we will tell Lambda to send a reminder every Monday to Friday at 10 AM, by setting this configuration: - schedule: cron(0 03 ? * MON-FRI *) (UTC Time)