You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.
The recommended way to install composer packages is:
composer require giginc/cakephp3-recaptcha
followed by the command:
composer update
From command line:
bin/cake plugin load Recaptcha
Override default configure from loadComponent:
Recaptcha version2
$this->loadComponent('Recaptcha.Recaptcha', [
'enable' => true, // true/false
'version' => 2,
'sitekey' => 'your_site_key', //if you don't have, get one:
'secret' => 'your_secret',
'type' => 'image', // image/audio
'theme' => 'light', // light/dark
'lang' => 'vi', // default en
'size' => 'normal' // normal/compact
Recaptcha version3
$this->loadComponent('Recaptcha.Recaptcha', [
'enable' => true, // true/false
'version' => 3,
'sitekey' => 'your_site_key', //if you don't have, get one:
'secret' => 'your_secret',
'scoreThreshold' => 0.5, // score threshold (default 0.5)
Override default configure from app config file:
file: config/app.php
Recaptcha version2
* Recaptcha configuration.
'Recaptcha' => [
'enable' => true,
'version' => 2,
'sitekey' => 'your_site_key',
'secret' => 'your_secret',
'type' => 'image',
'theme' => 'light',
'lang' => 'es',
'size' => 'normal'
Recaptcha version3
* Recaptcha configuration.
'Recaptcha' => [
'enable' => true,
'version' => 3,
'sitekey' => 'your_site_key',
'secret' => 'your_secret',
Override default configure from recaptcha config file:
file: config/recaptcha.php
return [
* Recaptcha configuration.
'Recaptcha' => [
'enable' => true,
'version' => 3,
'sitekey' => 'your_site_key',
'secret' => 'your_secret',
Load recaptcha config file:
file: config/bootstrap.php
Configure::load('recaptcha', 'default', true);
Config preference:
- loadComponent config options
- recaptcha config file
- app config file
Display recaptcha in your view:
<?= $this->Form->create() ?>
<?= $this->Form->control('email') ?>
<?= $this->Recaptcha->display() ?> // Display recaptcha box in your view, if configure has enable = false, nothing will be displayed
<?= $this->Form->button() ?>
<?= $this->Form->end() ?>
Verify in your controller function
public function forgotPassword()
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Recaptcha->verify()) { // if configure enable = false, it will always return true
//do something here
$this->Flash->error(__('Please pass Google Recaptcha first'));