
:mahjong: Play Japanese Mahjong in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Language Carthage compatible Platform iOS|macOS License

🀄 Peafowl is a score calculation library to play Japanese Mahjong!


// You can define hand as an array literal.
// Last tile will be picked tile.
let hand: Hand = [二萬, 二萬, 三萬, 四萬, 四萬, 五萬, 五萬, 二索, 三索, 四索, 二筒, 三筒, 四筒, 三萬]

let context = GameContext()
let score = scoreCalculator.calculate(with: hand, context: context)
let describer = ScoreDescriber()
let scoreReport = describer.describe(score!)


You'll get score reports.

三色同順 2
一盃口 1
ツモ 1
断ヤオ 1
30符5飜 満貫 8000点


You can define game states on GameContext struct. (e.g. prevalent wind, seat wind, dora, riichi state or others...)

let gameContext = GameContext(winningType: .selfPick, // 自摸和了、ロン和了
                              pickedSource: .wall, // 第1順, 山, 河底, 嶺上牌
                              riichiStyle: .single, // 立直, ダブル立直
                              isOneShot: false, // 一発
                              isDealer: false, //
                              prevalantWind: 東, // 場風
                              seatWind: 南, // 自風
                              dora: [五萬]) // ドラ


  • Swift 4.2
  • Xcode 10 beta 6 (Recommended)
  • or Xcode 9.4.1 + Some Swift 4.2 toolchain


You can try Peafowl on Xcode Playground.

  1. Clone this
  2. Open Peafowl.xcworkspace
  3. Open Peafowl.xcplayground


github "giginet/Peafowl"

Known limitation

  • Pung and Chow are partially supported
  • Not support Kong system
    • Related yaku (e.g. 槍槓、三槓子, 四槓子)


Tile images are provided from here.