
Established the system to measure the temperature of the environment and detect smoke levels, enabling the timely activation of water sprinklers and alarms in response to a potential fire hazard.

Primary LanguageC



to measure the environment's temperature and detect smoke levels, enabling the timely activation of water sprinklers and alarms in response to a potential fire hazard.

Demo: https://youtu.be/VXHsIy-3uFs?si=8t_whU7VJDfkJ1_V

How does it work

It gets the environment's temperature using a Temperature Sensor, and the smoke level using a Smoke Sensor and puts them on the Display Screen.

  • Normal State:
    • If temp < 45 °C
  • Heat State:
    • If temp > 45 °C
    • The yellow light is on
  • Fire State:
    • If temp > 45 °C and smoke level > 50
    • The Red light is on
    • Sprinkler sprays water

Enter the password feature:

You can't exit Fire State until you fix the issue and enter the confirmation password.

Change the password feature:

If you want to change the password, you must enter the current password.


  • atmega32
  • LM35
  • MQ-2
  • Servo
  • Stepper Motor
  • ln298
  • Keypad 4x4
  • LCD 16x2
  • Leds
  • Resistors


  • ADC
  • DIO

Make sure you have installed

Softwares you should install

  • Microchip Studio for AVR
  • Proteus