
code execution

Primary LanguageRust


amazing diagram


  • Make building base images not slow (copy /bin/hydrad to output)
  • Refactor states to use Redis connection pooling

Sandboxed code execution. with a terminal



  • Docker (my version is 20.10.22)
  • A Rust compiler (my version is 1.69.0)


Building hydrad:

  1. cd into hydrad
  2. Run docker build -t hydrad .

This will create an image called hydrad, containing the supervisor for running client code in the container sandbox. The name must be hydrad, since the name is hardcoded.

Building and running the server:

  1. cd into hydra-server
  2. Run RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release.

This'll run the server in release mode (you may leave it out) with logging level set to info. The server, by default will listen to

Optional: Running the web (test) client

  1. cd into hydra-web-app
  2. yarn
  3. yarn dev