OAuth2 Demonstrator - Flutter Client Component

An OAuth2 Demonstrator Client Companion to Oauth2 Server Demonstrator. You can find the server repo here.

The primary purpose of this client is to initiate the authentication flow with one of Google, Apple, Facebook or Github. The OAuth2 server demonstrator will receive all the redirect calls from all of the providers to complete the authentication process.

To understand the details of how this complete flow works, check the readme file on the server repo for the complete authentication flow.

In order to also demonstrate API calls with token validation, this client creates fake tasks and makes API calls to store and retreive those tasks. Those calls include an id_token to ensure the API call is valid.

This client app maintains Login state as well as a local copy of all the tokens (access, refresh, and id). It has been tested to work on iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux and Windows (not web). It is also null-safe. The server component is not as it depends on the mongodb_dart plugin which is not yet null-safe.

Application Structure

I use GetX for state management, navigation, and a few other useful functions (displaying snackbars). This is not intended to be a GetX demonstrator, it just happens to be what I use for those functions.

I internalizationalize all my Flutter apps as a matter of course. It ensures that I keep text strings out of the code, but also allows me to check things like RTL languages. I use the VSCode Flutter Intl plugin for internationalization (it's also available for Android Studio). The app is localized in English, French, Hebrew, and Arabic. I only speak English and French. The Hebrew/Arabic translations are just Google Translate strings. I can't really read them. In main.dart look for the locale parameters in GetMaterialApp to try different languages (one of en, fr, ar, or he will work). The localized arb files are in the l10n folder.

GetMaterialApp will decide which page to display based on the logged-in status of the user. There are only two pages the pages folder. The LoginPage widget will be called if the user is logged out and display the four provider choices to login with. The MainPage will display if the user is logged in. The MainPage will retrieve all the active tasks from the server. There's a + button at the top to add a new fake tasks. You can swipe left to delete a task. There's a logout button on the top right corner.

As I mentioned, GetX is used for state management. The controllers folder has a TaskController which is responsible for maintaining the current state as well as performing all the task operations with the server.

As described in the web flow in the Oauth Server Demo readme file, the authentication process begins here with the client. When the user taps/clicks on a Social Provider, the authentication process is launched. The launchURL is a bit different for each provider and this is handled by specialized versions of the SocialAuth base abstract class.

The process begins by establishing a WebSocket connection to the Dart server and then simply listening for a response. As soon as the CSRF state is transmitted to the server, then the authentication URL specific to the provider login is launched and the user is taken there to authenticate. Assuming the user successfully logs in, the Dart OAuth server will take over and complete the process. The process completes when this client receives a set of tokens through the websocket connection. Assuming all goes well, the user is logged in and taken to the MainPage widget to work on tasks.

One of the key features of this client is that no client_id or client_secret values are stored locally. The client_id (which is required for the initial authentication) is retreived from the Dart server via an API call. Only the server needs to be aware of the client_secret.

This client is also responsible for storing tokens locally using shared_preferences, as well as requesting a token refresh when tokens expire. Look at token.dart in the auth folder for details. The function called clearTokenData also has a special provision to deal with a bug in the shared_preferences plugin that only manifests itself on Linux and Windows.

The user.dart file in the auth folder is responsible for the login/logout/isLoggedIn functionality

A few setup things

You'll need to change a couple of constants in lib/constants/auth.dart. Change AUTH_ENDPOINT and API_HOST to match your server.

Android, iOS and MacOS have some setup required to get custom URL schemes to work. Although I don't use the uni_links plugin, the setup for custom URL schemes is required. Read the readme for that plugin for details on how to do that. For android, look at the file android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, change the entry android:scheme to match your domain. On iOS/MacOS check the <macos or ios>/Runner/info.plist file and look for the entry <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> and change the url to match your domain.

MacOS has some entitlements required to be able to use networking. Again, your macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements file should be already adapted for this to work. The one that has been set for you is <key>com.apple.security.network.client</key>. The Release.entitlements file has also been set for you.

In main.dart you'll also see a section at the top referencing HttpOverrides. This section is only required to get everything to work on the android simulator. It should not be required for any other platform.


I hope you're able to make use of this demonstrator to understand the inner working for a number of OAuth2 providers. There are many others and it would interesting to see how easy adding a new one would be. If you have any feedback, comments, suggestions, recommendations on this project, you can reach me at Martin Fink.