Super simple mobile drag modal

Features ✨

  • 🥳 DX Focused - Use bare minimum code to build great UI
  • ✌🏻 Flexibility - With UnoCSS's arbitrary values and component customization, build desired UI in no time
  • 💎 Pure CSS Icons - Use any icon from the library you love
  • ⚙️ Configurable UI - Customize UI via configurable array instead of writing component markup again
  • 🖋 Neat & clean design - Anu provides carefully crafted UI components to build stunning & professional UIs
  • ⚡️ Built using powerful tools - UnoCSS, VueUse & Floating UI
  • 🦾 Written in TypeScript
  • 🧪 Hackable - Anu is configurable via UnoCSS shortcuts. Want to create bootstrap like buttons? You can. 🤯