
Flake8 linting with PR code annotations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This Github Action makes it possible to run Flake8 (optionally with plugins) and use the output to annotate code in pull requests.

Example of Flake8 annotations in a PR


You can use uses: gijswobben/flake8-action@main in a Github Actions workflow to check your Python code with Flake8. Additional options can be configured in the with: section (see examples for details).

Parameter Description
strict If strict is True the pipeline will fail when a Flake8 violation is encountered. Boolean, defaults to: false.
strict_for Specify individual codes to apply strict rules for. Formatted as comma separated string.
not_strict_for Specify individual codes to NOT apply strict rules for. Formatted as comma separated string.
message_title Custom title for the warnings/errors in the code annotations. Defaults to: "Flake8 issue found"
flake8_output If specified, don't run the Flake8 command but use the value of this input as the Flake8 content to parse.
additional_packages If specified, install these packages (e.g. Flake8 plugins) before running the Flake8 command.
flake8_config Flake8 configuration in .flake8 format.

Full example

This a full example to showcase the different parameters that can be used with this Github Action.

name: Code quality
"on": ["push"]

    name: Flake8 tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@master
      - uses: gijswobben/flake8-action@main
          strict: true
          strict_for: "E501"
          not_strict_for: "E502,E503"
          message_title: "Flake8 error found"
          flake8_config: |
            exclude = examples/ tests/
            max-line-length = 88
            extend-ignore =
                # See https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/373
          additional_packages: pep8-naming==0.13.2 flake8-annotations==2.9.1 darglint==1.8.1 flake8-bugbear==22.10.27

More examples can be found in the .github/workflows folder of this repository.