ZK Replicator is a zookeeper Data Backup Library for Zookeeper. The library provides on-demand replication of data across Zookeeper Clusters.
cd zk-replicator/
mvn clean && mvn install -Pshade
This assumes [zk ensemble] runs at 2181.
This example takes a source zk (from an ensemble) and destination zk host (from another ensemble) as parameter and clones all the data from source to destination.
#Example 1: Clone all Zk Data from source to destination.
- cd zk-replicator/target/
- java -cp uber-zk-replicate-final.jar com.bloomreach.zk.replicate.ZkReplicator
<source_zk>:2181 <destination_zk>:2181
- Nitin Sharma (nitin.sharma@bloomreach.com) (nitinssn at g-mail.com)
Apache License Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0