| CRUD Operation using NodeJS / ExpressJS / MySQL |

Step 1 : install nodejs in your system and run follwoing comment npm init

Step 2 : Install Requred packages using NPM

		npm install --save express mysql body-parser ejs
		npm install -g nodemon (optional - used to run app.js automatically while any file content changes)

Step 3 : Add follwoing code in app.js

		const path = require('path');
		const express = require('express');
		const ejs = require('ejs');
		const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
		const mysql = require('mysql');
		const app = express();

		// Server Listening
		app.listen(3000, () => {
			console.log('Server is running at port 3000');
		nodemon app (OR) npm start

Step 4 : Create Database Connection

		const mysql=require('mysql');
		const connection=mysql.createConnection({
		  if(!!error) console.log(error);
		  else console.log('Database Connected!');

Setp 5 : Define view engin with ejs / public path / view files path / bodyParser

		//set views file
		//set view engine
		app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
		app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

Setp 6 : Define index path with '/' and HTML file

		//route for user index page
		app.get('/',(req, res) => {
			res.render('user_index', {
				title: 'CRUD Operation using NodeJS / ExpressJS / MySQL '

Setp 7 : Run a server and check with Browser

		npm start (OR) nodemon app


Step 8 : Get value from database and show in HTML table using ExpressJS / MySQL


  • npm install
  • npm start