
A test node library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Template ESM Typescript library

A template used for projects which produce both CommonJS and ESM packages from a common Typescript ESM codebase.

Includes testing, coverage, coveralls.io, linting, TSDoc and auto creation of a package on creating a github release.

If you are creating a new project from this template, instructions are here.

Typescript Node.js CI Node.js CI Coverage Status


This is a github hosted package so you need to add an entry to your .npmrc file so the package manager knows where to download the package from:



> npm install @gilbertbw/test-node-library

If the package is private you need to authenticate to github by getting a Personal Access Token from github with read:packages permissions. Either login for the session, which will request your github username, and password (use your Personal Access Token):

> npm login --scope=@x-ware-ltd --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com

Or, create a personal .npmrc file in your home directory:


If you are running CI/CD on your package you will need to provide credentials for the server. Save a Personal Access Token in your Github secrets and in your github actions:

- name: Authenticate private github packages
  run: echo "//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=${{ secrets.PACKAGE_READ_TOKEN }}" > ~/.npmrc


  • Works with CommonJS and ESM
  • Provides Typescript types



import {add} from '@gilbertbw/test-node-library';

console.log(add(3, 5)); // 8


var lib = require('@gilbertbw/test-node-library');

console.log(lib.add(3, -1)); // 2

API Reference

Documentation for add and subtract methods can be found in TSDoc for each


Make sure your code passes testing, and create a Pull Request

> npm test