Apstra 4.0 - API Topology Configuration

EVE-NG topology and Apstra API Script to configure the DC automatically

Refer to this link to know more about the topology and eve-ng configuration for this project:



Gilberto R

Getting Started

Pre-deployment Server Configs and Basic Packages

Python Packages Installation

lab@lab:~$ sudo su -

root@lab:~$ cd /home/lab

root@lab:/home/lab# add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

root@lab:/home/lab# apt-get -y update

root@lab:/home/lab# apt -y install ansible git

root@lab:/home/lab# git clone https://github.com/gilbertorgit/sonic-3-stage-clos-api.git

root@lab:/home/lab# ansible-playbook sonic-3-stage-clos-api/base-pkg-kvm/playbook.yml

Configure your Apstra IP URL

Edit urls_base_apstra.py and add your Apstra MGMT IP

apstra_url = ''

API Configuration

root@lab:# cd sonic-3-stage-clos-api/api_config/
root@lab:# python3.7 create_config_apstra_api.py 

EVE-NG Topology - Virtual Enterprise Sonic and Apstra - 3 Stage Clos DC

Logical Topology


EVE-NG Topology
