
SingleFileZ will not work in Chrome starting January 2023

gildas-lormeau opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Google officially announced that extensions using Manifest V2 will not run anymore in Chrome starting January 2023, see

However, the Manifest V3 introduces some regressions. At the time of writing this issue report, (at least) this bug prevents SingleFileZ to work with Manifest V3 in Chrome because it won't be able to read (and unzip) archives from the filesystem.

I understand that prevents SingleFileZ from using XMLHttpRequest or fetch() to request a file:// URI from within an extension's service worker, but is there a reason the extension couldn't work around this limitation by spawning a temporary window to perform this work?

So, when a user will drag and drop or double-click on a saved file from his filesystem, a new window will open and close itself immediately during the time the page is uncompressed? This sounds like a very bad user experience. I'm not even sure this is technically doable.

@dotproto BTW, I just started to try to port SingleFile to Manfest V3. Said politely, it's painful. I can't believe that chrome.i18n.getMessage can't be used in the service worker. How are we supposed to initialize/change menu entries and the button label with localized strings? I don't see any information about this issue here

Edit: I pusblished the current work here

The regression in Chrome has been fixed, see It should be possible to make SingleFileZ (almost) compatible with the Manifest V3.

@gildas-lormeau it may be worth updating the Download section of the README, which refers to this issue:

It is not recommended to use SingleFileZ on Chrome because it will stop working starting January 2023 (see #105).

Or if there are still some limitations, maybe provide the details?

Sorry, I had forgotten about this issue.

@curiousleo I just updated the README
@PatrikMazanek I confirm that the blocking bug has been fixed in Chrome so there shouldn't be limitations specific to SingleFileZ hopefully

I'll have to do the porting but I'm still waiting because there are still bugs in Chrome (related to the Manifest V3) that I'd rather see fixed before starting this task.

Any more clarity with all of this? Porting underway?

@J-HS-L I did not start the work yet. Note however that Google changed the MV2 support timeline recently. Now, the deadline will be January 2024, see


Thank you very much for your response...
Is there a discussion thread I can follow RE this work?
(since this thread is now closed)


You can follow this issue, I'll keep it updated.