Coworking Space

Table of Contents


A coworking space is a shared office environment for freelancers, remote workers, and entrepreneurs. It provides a collaborative and productive environment for individuals to work in, and has become increasingly popular in recent years. In this README, I will be showing a sample website that showcases different coworking spaces built using HTML and CSS.

coworking space screenshoot


  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • Browser to view the website

Getting Started

To get started, you will need a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. You will also need a text editor such as Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code.

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine git clone
  2. Open the index.html file in your text editor.
  3. Open the style.css file in your text editor.
  4. Start making changes to the HTML and CSS files.

HTML Structure

The HTML structure for the coworking space website is quite simple. We have a header that contains the logo and navigation menu. We also have a main section that displays the different coworking spaces, and a footer that contains copyright information and additional links.

CSS Styles

The CSS stylesheet will be used to style the HTML structure. Some of the styles to be defined include:

  1. Fonts: Choose a font that is professional and easy to read.
  2. Colors: Choose a color scheme that is consistent and reflects the brand identity of the coworking space.
  3. Layout: Define the layout for different sections, such as the header, footer and so on.
  4. Responsiveness: Ensure that the website is optimized for different screen sizes and devices.

Final Thoughts

With this simple project I learnt some CSS concepts:

  • using margin: auto on flex children
  • position: absolute, relative & fixed
  • align-sef on flex-box childre

With these basic HTML and CSS building blocks, you can create a simple and effective website for a coworking space. Remember to test your website on different browsers and devices to ensure that it looks and functions as expected.

Designed with ❤️ by
Gildo Costa Chauze

📫 Reach me 👇