SP10 is a financial analysis tool that tracks the average return of the top 10 stock constituents of the S&P 500 against the S&P 500 index itself. The website was built with React and Rails and uses the AlphaVantange API and web scraping via Nokogiri to fetch data on a daily basis.
git clone https://github.com/sketchbook21/sp10-tracker.git
bundle install && yarn install
- Get a free AlphaVantage API key here:
- Create an ENV file in the main directory called:
- Add the following value to the
- In your terminal to set up the database, migrate and seed:
rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed
- In your terminal to backfill 1 year's worth of data:
rake fetch_records_data
- In your terminal run:
rails s
- In another terminal run:
yarn start
- Visit url:
- SP10 uses a Nokogiri web scraper to determine the top 10 constituents of the S&P 500 index from
- The data from SlickCharts is current, and specifically non-historic so a 1-year backfill will extrapolate the average return of a fixed set of constituents based on the latest data. However since the top 10 constituents can fluctuate day-to-day, this backfill will be intrinsically different than data on the production SP10 website. In production, the top 10 constituent data is collected daily and a new record is created using the average return of those constituents.
- Production uses a Job Scheduler built into Heroku to fetch data daily. For a local build, the
rake task must be run daily to stay up-to-date. - AlphaVantage has a limitation of 5 API calls per minute so you will experience a short 3-minute wait during the
rake task. The rake task has a built-in delay timer if the maximum calls are exceeded and will continue with the backfill once the throttle has ended. - AlphaVantage has a bug that occasionally returns very inaccurate values S&P 500 symbols ("SPX, "INX"). To prevent recording inaccurate data, there is a built-in validity checker that refetches from the API if it believes the data is bad.