
Project about the knowledge acquired at @Rocketseat and reactAdvancedAndRedux (@udemy) along with my reading and interpretation of algorithms always looking for best practices (documented).

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Dt Money

Current state • Starting project • Technologies • Historic

✔ Current state

✔ Starting project

Files Content About
Init /
  1. run-app-deploy.sh
  1. Application deployment script using the "docker-compose" command
    run the following command on your konsole
    Firt Boot Initialized case
    ./run-app-deploy.sh --init-dev
    ./run-app-deploy.sh --dev
Then click here to access: port 3000

✔ Technologies used:

  1. Docker
  2. Docker Comopse
  3. React
  4. Typescript
  5. Styled Compoents
  6. MirageJs
  7. React Modal
  8. React Redux
  9. EnzymeJs
  10. Axios

✔ Historic

+ New Transaction modal + Transactions table + Summary + Header