
Demo app using React + React DnD +Node.js + Socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a demo project containing a Kanban like web app.

Link: https://card-mover.herokuapp.com/

Note that the app may take a while to load for the first time since it is hosted for free.

Build with:

  • Front: React + Material UI
  • Back: Node.js
  • Socket.io to create a real-time communication between users


  1. Clone the project
  2. Run npm run install at root folder to install both React and Node.js dependencies
  3. Run npm run dev to serve the backend
  4. On another terminal, run cd client and then npm run start to serve the React app
  5. Done!
  • If you face any problems with websockets, run npm run start to serve the backend. Note that with this the backend won't be recompiled automatically if you change something.
  • Default backend server address is localhost:5000
  • Default React app address is locahost:3000
  • There is a proxy that redirects the React app to the backend, so that the websockets work properly


  1. Run npm run install to install both React and Node.js dependencies
  2. Run npm run build to compile the React app
  3. Run npm run start to serve the whole app (React and Node.js)
  4. Done!
  • The default address to acess the app is localhost:5000