The arithmetic package is a Haskell library of natural number arithmetic, including:
- Montgomery multiplication
- The Miller-Rabin primality test
- Lucas sequences
- The Williams p+1 factorization method
- Continued fraction representations of natural number square roots
- The Jacobi symbol
- The Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for finding square roots modulo a prime
- The Chakravala method for solving the Pell equation
This software is released under the MIT License.
Installing the arithmetic package requires cabal:
git clone
cd arithmetic
cabal install --enable-tests
Use cabal to run the test suite:
cabal test
The arithmetic package contains an executable called arithmetic, which is run as follows:
Usage: arithmetic OPERATION [OPTION...]
-a ALGORITHM select algorithm
-n NATURAL select n parameter
-x NATURAL select x parameter
-k NATURAL select k parameter
where OPERATION is one of {factor,modexp,timelock},
( factor.........factorize n )
( modexp.........compute (x ^ k) `mod` n )
( timelock.......compute (x ^ 2 ^ k) `mod` n )
ALGORITHM is one of {modular,montgomery,williams},
( modular........naive modular arithmetic )
( montgomery.....Montgomery multiplication )
( williams.......Williams p+1 factorization method )
and NATURAL is either a natural number or has the form [bitwidth].