
2nd ASTERICS-OBELICS International School

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


2nd ASTERICS-OBELICS International School

School indico

This repository contains all the material needed for the 2st ASTERICS-OBELICS International School on "Advanced software programming for astrophysics and astroparticle physics".

Table on content

Get a copy of this repository with git

Clone this repository on your personal computer.

  git clone https://github.com/Asterics2020-Obelics/School2018.git

You will need it before the school to install the different tools, and during the school while attending the hands-on. For Windows, see below.

Recommendation for Python install

You must install Python 3.6 and a few Python libraries. The recommended way to do so is to use Anaconda. The procedures described bellow will help you install what is needed for the school.


  1. Install required distribution packages :

    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install -y git bzip2 wget
    • Fedora 25: sudo dnf install -y git wget bzip2
    • CERN Scientific Linux 6: sudo yum install -y git tar bzip2 wget
    • CERN CentOS 7: sudo yum install -y git bzip2 wget
  2. Download the Linux Anaconda installer for Python 3.6.

  3. Run the following command line:

     bash Anaconda3-5.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
  4. Accept the License by pressing <Enter>, then scrolling down to the bottom using <space> and writing yes

  5. Choose the install location, we recommend ~/.local/anaconda3 instead of ~/anaconda3 to not mess up you home too much.

  6. After the installation, you are asked if you want to add conda to the PATH. Answer no.

    Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
    to PATH in your /home/chotard/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
    [no] >>> no
  7. Edit your .bashrc to include the first or both of the following two lines you .bashrc. The first line should always be added and makes the conda command available. The second command will make anaconda your default python in the shell, you might want to leave it out, if you use another python installation regularly.

    . "$HOME/.local/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
    conda activate

Set the correct path to your anaconda installation. If you do not include the second command, you need to run conda activate before using python for this workshop.

  1. See next section for extra Python libraries requirements (if any).


  1. Download the Mac Anaconda installer for Python 3.6.

  2. Run the following command line:

     bash Anaconda2-5.1.0-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
  3. Accept the License by pressing <Enter>, then scrolling down to the bottom using <space> and writing yes

  4. Choose the install location, we recommend ~/.local/anaconda3 instead of ~/anaconda3 to not mess up your home too much.

  5. After the installation, you are asked if you want to add conda to the PATH. Answer no.

Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location
to PATH in your /home/chotard/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> no
  1. Edit your .bash_profile to include the first or both of the following two lines you .bash_profile. The first line should always be added and makes the conda command available. The second command will make anaconda your default python in the shell, you might want to leave it out, if you use another python installation regularly.
. "$HOME/.local/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
    conda activate

Set the correct path to your anaconda installation. If you do not include the second command, you need to run conda activate before using python for this workshop.

  1. See next section for extra Python libraries requirements (if any).


Instruction for Windows can be found here for the installation of Anaconda. Once installed, you can run Anaconda navigator. To run Jupyter, on the main page of the Anaconda navigator, click on Launch on the Jupyter notebook box. This will open your favorite browser. From there, you can either load a notebook (e.g. from the Git folder) or create a new notebook by clicking new -> Python 3.

You can also install a Git tool for Windows: Git for Windows. Launch Git GUI or Git bash to get started.

Library requirements

All the required libraries come with the Anaconda install described above. If you have followed the previous steps to install Python, you can skip this section.

If you choose an other way to install Python 3.6 than the one recommended above, you must install manually the Python libraries listed in the requirements.txt file. To do so, we recommend using pip.

  pip install -r requirements.txt


To launch a Jupyter notebook, simply run the following command:

jupyter notebook

On Windows, see in the above.

IDE: PyCharm

We recommend to use pycharm. Free Community Edition: Download PyCharm or opt for a free copy of the Professional Edition under Student License.

Chat rooms

Slack chat rooms are available before, during and after the school (you should have received an email with an invitation). If you need to talk to each other during a session, share information, ask questions, you can use the corresponding chat rooms to do so. These chat rooms can also be used by the different tutors to give information or advices before or during the hands-on sessions. You can also start one-to-one chat rooms.

Several channels are available, like General for all discussion/questions about the school, lectures, hands-on, etc. There is also a channel Social to help you to get out together during the evening.

You can get the slack app directly on your phone: Android or Apple. You can also get it for Windows, Mac, or Linux here.


The full list of tutors is available here.

Here is the list of tutors for the hands-on sessions, with the additional tutors that would circulate to help participants during the exercises and hands-on.

Hands-on Main tutor(s) Additional tutors
Efficient code design Tammo Jan Dijkema, Zheng Meyer
Numpy Tamas Gal
Pandas Tamas Gal
Scipy Kai Bruegge, Maximilian Nöthe
PyVO Hendrik Heinl
Debugging & Profiling Christoph Deil
Astropy Axel Donath, Christoph Deil
Machine learning David Kirkby Kai Bruegge, Thomas Vuillaume


Please create a new issue (you will need a github account) for each question you may have before or during the school about software install and/or about one of the classes. Of course, you should first check the existing list of issues to see if your question has already been asked and answered before creating a new one.

Alternatively, use the chat rooms.


2017 edition of the school: program and github

Complete Python tutorials:
