
Puppet dashboard for PuppetDB 3.x

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


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Important notice

Hello, I've recently started a new job and I don't have much time to invest in this project anymore. I recommended going for one of the projects with more contributors. The code is terrible here (I was learning python) so if you feel up for a challenge and want to keep the project alive, please get in touch.

PanoPuppet, Panorama Puppet or PP is a web frontend that interfaces with PuppetDB and gives you a panorama view over your puppet environment(s). PanoPuppet visualizes this data for you with lists and graphs. You are able to browse through the latest changes in reports, nodes, resources, classes and types. Many features were features requested by my colleagues.

Its coded using Python3 using the Django Framework for the web interface and requests library to interface with puppetDB. It also uses Bootstrap for the CSS and Jquery for some tablesorting.

The interface was written originally as an idea from work, we have tried to use different types of web interfaces that show the status of the puppet environment but found nothing that suited our needs from a security PoV.

Therefore its written and designed with an enterprise companies needs as a focus point. Where there are many XFT's and where there may be a need for extra security to limit the nodes a certain XFT/group should be allowed access too.

This was written for a multi-tenant site across several datacenters.

For the feature list click here: Features

To see how PanoPuppet looks click here: Screenshots


  • PanoPuppet Releases >= 1.4.0 - Requires PuppetDB == 3.x/4.x (Uses the v4 api endpoint)
  • PanoPuppet Releases >= 1.0.0 and <= 1.3.0 - Requires PuppetDB == 3.x (Uses the v4 api endpoint)
  • PanoPuppet Releases < 1.0.0 - Requires PuppetDB == 2.x (Uses the experimental v4 api endpoint)

To download a specific release you can find them Here

###Table of Contents


  • Fast and easy to use
  • Uses PuppetDB API to retrieve information
  • Filebucket and Fileserver support
  • Diff support between old and new file
  • Fully featured Dashboard for use with PuppetDB
  • Analytics Page providing insight into your puppet environment
  • LDAP Authentication
  • LDAP Group Permissions - Restrict which servers a group can view
  • Events Analyzer (Like Events Inspector from Puppet Enterprise)
  • Search nodes by facts and subqueries (Query Builder)
  • Export data to CSV with or without selected facts
  • Catalogue Viewer
  • Save catalogues
  • Diff node catalogues using the current or previously saved catalogues

Use Case

One large company, several hundred XFT's operating from multiples regions. Security concious company where you may not always want the information available in PuppetDB available to everyone. Difficult to lock down a ldap/AD group to a subset of users in PuppetDB alone..

PanoPuppet gives you the ability to create PuppetDB Queries with a easy to use tool and use those rules to lock down an active directory group to one or more PuppetDB Queries.

Users that have a rule will then only be able to see nodes that match the rule you created.

PanoPuppet enables you to control and delegate the information in PuppetDB to the users who need it.

PanoPuppet Design

Some random info and tips...

Since this django app can use LDAP/AD Authentication it can be a bit tricky to get it working for all Actice Directory designs. The default config works for the environment I tested it with. I have had other users reporting that they had to change the ldap code to accept nested groups for example or use another attr for the login name. If you need help to get it working you are most welcome to create a support issue in GitHub.

There is an example configuration for you to look at. I'd suggest you make a copy and modify the lines you need too.

It is written with Python3, its not Python2 compatible and I won't ever make it Python2 compatible. It will be a bit of pain to get working on RHEL7 using SCL so you will need to make a wrapper that enables SCL python3.


  • PuppetDB requires at least PuppetDB 3.0 or higher (PDB 2.x is no longer supported from release v1.0.0)
  • Puppetv3
  • Python3
  • Install requirements listed in requirements.txt
  • Recommended to use virtualenv (+ virtualenvwrapper)

Supported Operating Systems

  • RHEL6,7
  • CentOS6,7
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Debian 8 (jessie) - LDAP issues)

Future plans

  • Docker image to quickly install a PanoPuppet dashboard


For install instructions they can be found in either INSTALL.md or at the PanoPuppet Wiki hosted at Github. https://github.com/propyless/panopuppet/wiki/Installation-Guides


Classic install

Upgrading PanoPuppet should be no harder than doing a git pull origin/master in the /srv/repo/panopuppet directory. But its recommended to run the python manage.py collectstatic command again in case new css/javascripts have been added so that they are served to your clients. Also make sure to read the config.yaml.example file and see if any new variables have been implemented!

Setup.py install

Make sure you have the correct python in your path (virtual env users) First uninstall the previous setup.py install of PanoPuppet with:

pip uninstall panopuppet

If you have already installed the latest version of PanoPuppet you can remove the older version by specifying the version of PanoPuppet to remove, for example:

pip uninstall panopuppet==1.3

Make sure you have checked out the latest release or master, run:

python setup.py install

Now you should be done, just run the General upgrade commands and you'll be good to go.

General upgrade commands

Upgrading PanoPuppet has a few new steps now as user profiles and permissions has been implemented. Now you should always run the following commands when updating PanoPuppet. python manage.py collectstatic python manage.py makemigration python manage.py syncdb If it doesnt apply any changes, that just means that no changes were done to the database for those latest commits.

QueryBuilder notes

  • I have seen some issues with the querybuilder and the usage of comparison operators. If you have stringify_facts enabled you may not be able to use the less/less or equal/greater/greater or equal operators since its not possible to compare string values "123" with "124". You will only be able to use the equal operator for these values.
  • Some new changes implemented for the querybuilder has changed how it works. To use the Querybuilder you must now be aware that resource queries in the same GROUP are all applied to the same group. if you want to do two different resource queries you must add a new group and put in there. It provides more flexibility to the querybuilder since you are able to specify which equality operator you want for each "filter".

See the below examples:

Querybuilder Example Query 1

Querybuilder Example Query 2

LDAP Permissions

If you have enabled Permissions on users via the config file ENABLE_PERMISSIONS: true By default no normal user (user that is not superuser or staff) will be able to see any servers found in PuppetDB. You must then go to the django admin page http://<panopuppet-URL>/puppetadmin, log in as a staff or superuser and add the users group into the Ldap group permissionss table. The whole CN for the group must be specified. cn=puppetusers,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com You must also specify a PuppetDB query which will be appended to all queries made. The query must use subqueries as it must be able to support all endpoints. It is highly recommened to use the puppetdb query and generate the query you want to apply.

When the user logs in he or she will only be able to see the results of the puppetdb query you specified for that group.

Superuser and staff groups

It is possible to make sure that all users in a specific group are allowed to log in to the admin page and see all nodes by using the two below config options: LDAP_SUPERUSER_GRP: 'cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com' LDAP_STAFF_GRP:

  • 'cn=staff,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
  • 'cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'

You can specify them as a normal string or by specifying them as a list.

Member of Multiple Groups

If a user is a member of multiple groups which have restrictions set for each one each rule found will be added in an puppetDB OR operator, like so. ["and", ["or", [rule1],[rule2]]]

Configuration Options

NODES_DEFAULT_FACTS - Is a list of facts to be shown on the node report page. Default value is: ['operatingsystem', 'operatingsystemrelease', 'puppetversion', 'kernel', 'kernelrelease', 'ipaddress', 'uptime']

Available branches

The master branch has a release which includes:

  • ldap authentication
  • caching

Contact Me

The best place to contact me for direct and personal support is at Gitter. You can find the Gitter badge at the top of this README.

You can also find me at chat.freenode.net #panopuppet. I would however recommend Gitter over IRC, chat history, etc)

If all prevail and I don't answer you, create an issue.

Development Server

Django runserver...