Module for i18n support in node.js projects with mongodb
Install module:
npm install node-i18n-mongo
and then use it:
var i18n = require('node-i18n-mongo');
i18n.configInit( { defaultLocale: "en_US", locale: "de_DE" } ); // <-- init config, mongo connect and global function apply
Then you'me may use it in Fiber:
"Welcome to my World, %s": "Willkommen in meiner Welt, %s"
}, 'de_DE');
console.log( i18n.__dict );
console.log( __("Welcome to my World, %s", ["Mike"]) );
For use it in ExpressJs:
var app = express();
i18n.configInit( { defaultLocale: "en_US", locale: "de_DE", express: app } );
Then use it in ejs:
<%= __("Welcome to my World, %s", [name]) %>
or in jade:
h2= title
p= __("Welcome to my World, %s", [name])