# sc2 multi agent bot This project is a poc of a Starcraft 2 bot with a multi reactive agent strategy. Evry unit is a litle autonomous agent and play the game with a limited view of his environment. Each agent is programmed to react with very simple rules. # Build and run - Download and build s2client-api: https://github.com/Blizzard/s2client-api - Download this repository - Run VisualStudio2017 - Link dependancies (change the abs paths according to your s2client-api directory) - Run and enjoy ! # Demo Here is a demo showing the bot painfully win against an medium bot. Our bot could easily be improved to win against better oponents. youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIBEQA5I6Is # Authors Damien GILLES, Aurélien POUGET, Fabien HOCHMAYR