
Simple CLI tool written in Go that renders GitHub Markdown files using the GitHub API.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Simple Go CLI tool that renders GitHub Markdown files using the GitHub API.


It should work on any system supported by Go. For now, I only tested on Linux but if you use it on another system, feel free to update this README and send me a pull request :)


The only required dependency is Go. Although it should work with any version of Go, I only have tested with Go1.2.

You can get and build ghmd by issuing the following command:

go get github.com/gilliek/ghmd

(make sure your $GOPATH is correctly set)

Download binary

If you want to download a binary file, you can use the Gobuild.IO service.

Linux packages


AUR package (thanks to Rolinh for maintaining the package).


Assuming that ghmd is in your $PATH:

ghmd README.md

You can also use the -w switch to automatically update the generated HTML file when the README.md is modified:

ghmd -w README.md

For a full description of the options, please use:

ghmd -h