
Nix build of OpenContrail

Primary LanguageNix

Nix expressions to build OpenContrail components, run some basic tests, build OpenContrail preconfigured VMs and deploy a build CI by using Hydra.

Install Nix

$ curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh

Subscribe to the OpenContrail Nix channel

This Hydra CI builds OpenContrail expressions and creates a channel (a kind of packages repository) that can be used to get precompiled OpenContrail sotfwares.

$ nix-channel --add contrail
$ nix-channel --update

We can easily install the contrail-api for instance:

$ nix-env -i contrail-api-server --option extra-binary-caches --option trusted-public-keys cache.opencontrail.org:u/UFsj0N3c/Ycell/q81MiPRo0Zz6ZlVqu3wB2SY340=
$ contrail-api -h

Note options can also be set in your nix.conf file.

To list available packages on the channel

nix-env -qa '.*contrail.*'

Note: for the rest of this README, it is not mandatory to subscribe to this channel. It is only used to download prebuilt expressions instead of locally build them.

Build OpenContrail Components

To build all OpenContrail components

$ nix-build -A contrail32

Since they have been already built by the CI, they are only downloaded. You can force the rebuild by adding the --check argument.

To build specific ones

$ nix-build -A contrail32.apiServer
$ nix-build -A contrail32.control

$ nix-env -f default.nix -qaP -A contrail32 to get the list of all attributes

Run basic tests

$ nix-build -A contrail32.test.allInOne

The allInOne test creates a virtual machine and deploys several OpenContrail components. It then checks services provisioning (discovery, bgp peering,...), associates ports to net namespaces and validates ping is working.

To run all tests

$ nix-build -A contrail32.test

Build and run an all-in-one VM

$ nix-build -A contrail32.test.allInOne.driver
$ ./result/bin/nixos-run-vms

Using nix-shell to locally compile contrail-control

$ nix-shell -A contrail32.control # Can download lot of things

nix-shell has download all build requires of contrail-control and prepare a build environment. We can then get the contrail workspace, and run scons to start the contrail-control compilation

$ unpackPhase && cd $sourceRoot
unpacking source archive /nix/store/9jswqjmq6q4ijrmac5qbw2z5b63cl1x0-contrail-workspace
source root is contrail-workspace
$ scons contrail-control

Load a Cassandra database dump and start the contrail api and schema transformer

$ nix-build -A contrail32.tools.databaseLoader

This builds a script that runs a VM. This VM loads a database dump from the host directory /tmp/xchg-shared/cassandra-dump/. This directory contents can be created by running the script

cqlsh -e "DESC SCHEMA" > /tmp/cassandra-dump/schema.cql
for t in obj_uuid_table obj_fq_name_table; do
  echo "COPY config_db_uuid.$t TO '/tmp/cassandra-dump/config_db_uuid.$t.csv';" | cqlsh