
My capstone project for the HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate predicting breast cancer from biopsy slides.

Primary LanguageR


This project predicts whether breast lesion fine needle aspirate biopsies are malignant or benign based on machine learning analysis of features extracted from digitized images of cytology slides. Data are from the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) data set. It was originally written as my capstone project for the HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate.

  • brca-report.Rmd - Capstone project report in Rmd format.
  • brca-report.pdf - Capstone project report knit to PDF format.
  • brca-script.R - An R script containing only the code from the Rmd, generated using purl.
  • brca-supplement.Rmd - Supplemental data not included in the final capstone project.
  • ensemble-heatmap.png - Image file for final heatmap of sample classification by the ensemble model.