
A repo for all my settings (dot) files, and some cheatsheets to go along

Primary LanguageShell


A repo for all my settings (dot) files, and some cheatsheets to go along

Things to add

  • Check if there's a way to install the java runtime

  • Create install file for tmux

  • Fix installation for zsh

  • Check all brew packages before reinstalling

  • When an installation fails, print the command it tried to run, so it's easy to copy/paste

  • After installing fzf, the user needs to run $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install for it to create shortcuts in the terminal

  • Fix installation for nvim - so it will install the plugins automatically (and I need to disable the color scheme until the plugins are installed i think)

  • Make sure initial installations works (brew and node)


You will need git to run these scripts.
If you're on mac, then just install the command line developer tools for that, by running:

xcode-select --install

Running from online

curl -L https://github.com/gillyb/dotfiles/raw/master/online-install.sh | bash

Running locally
