
Generate changelog, and/or next version, with, or without, conventional commits from a GIT repository

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Git Changelog Lib

Maven Central

This is a library that can:

  • Generate a changelog, or releasenotes, from a GIT repository.
  • Determine next version, based on format of commits since last release.

It is fully configurable with a Mustache (Handlebars) template filled with a context of placeholders and helpers.

The changelog can:

  • Be stored to file, like CHANGELOG.md. There are some templates used for testing available here.
  • Or, just rendered to a String.

It can integrate with Jira, Redmine, GitLab and/or GitHub to retrieve the title of issues.


This software can be used:

There are examples of different templates in the code that are used for testing.

Template - Simple

Here is an example template.

# Changelog

Changelog for {{ownerName}} {{repoName}}.

## {{name}}
### {{name}} [{{issue}}]({{link}}) {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}} {{issue}} {{title}} {{#hasIssueType}} *{{issueType}}* {{/hasIssueType}} {{#hasLabels}} {{#labels}} *{{.}}* {{/labels}} {{/hasLabels}}
### {{name}}


 * {{.}}

[{{hash}}](https://github.com/{{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}) {{authorName}} *{{commitTime}}*



Template - Conventional

If you are using conventional commits:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

You can use built in helpers to produce a nice changelog. You can add your own helpers (using Javascript or Java) as described here.

{{#ifReleaseTag .}}
## [{{name}}](https://gitlab.com/html-validate/html-validate/compare/{{name}}) ({{tagDate .}})

  {{#ifContainsBreaking commits}}
    ### Breaking changes

      {{#ifCommitBreaking .}}
  - {{#eachCommitScope .}} **{{.}}** {{/eachCommitScope}} {{{commitDescription .}}} ([{{hash}}](https://github.com/{{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}))

  {{#ifContainsType commits type='feat'}}
    ### Features

      {{#ifCommitType . type='feat'}}
  - {{#eachCommitScope .}} **{{.}}** {{/eachCommitScope}} {{{commitDescription .}}} ([{{hash}}](https://github.com/{{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}))

  {{#ifContainsType commits type='fix'}}
    ### Bug Fixes

      {{#ifCommitType . type='fix'}}
        - {{#eachCommitScope .}} **{{.}}** {{/eachCommitScope}} {{{commitDescription .}}} ([{{hash}}](https://github.com/{{ownerName}}/{{repoName}}/commit/{{hash}}))



You can use partials in your templates.


{{> commit}}


## {{authorName}} - {{commitTime}}

This is configured like:

  .withTemplateSuffix(".partial"); //Optional, defaults to ".partial"


Some helpers are implemented in this library. And users can also add more helpers as described in Handlebars.

ifReleaseTag <Tag>

Conditional, renders a block if given Tag matches release-tag.

 {{#ifReleaseTag .}}
  "{{.}}" is a release tag

tagDate <Tag>

Renders date of Tag on format YYYY-MM-DD.

 {{tagDate .}}

ifContainsIssueType <List<Issue>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Issue> contains given type.

{{#ifContainsIssueType issues type="Bug"}}
  issues contains bugs

ifContainsIssueTypeOtherThan <List<Issue>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Issue> contains issues that don't match the given type.

{{#ifContainsIssueTypeOtherThan issues type="fix"}}
  commits contains other types than fix

ifContainsIssueLabel <List<Issue>> label="<value>"

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Issue> contains given label.

{{#ifContainsIssueLabel issues label='enhancement'}}
  content here

ifContainsIssueLabelOtherThan <List<Issue>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Issue> contains labels that don't match the given label.

{{#ifContainsIssueLabelOtherThan issues label='enhancement'}}
  content here

ifIssueLabel <label> label="<value>"

Conditional, renders a block if given label matches the given value.

{{#ifIssueLabel . label='enhancement'}}
  Found a enhancement

ifContainsType <List<Commit>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Commits> contains given type.

{{#ifContainsType commits type="fix"}}
  commits contains fixes

ifContainsTypeOtherThan <List<Commit>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Commits> contains commits that don't match the given type.

{{#ifContainsTypeOtherThan commits type="fix"}}
  commits contains other types than fix

ifContainsBreaking <List<Commit>>

Conditional, renders a block if given List<Commits> contains breaking changes.

{{#ifContainsBreaking commits}}
  commits contains fixes

commitDate <Commit>

Renders date of Commit on format YYYY-MM-DD.

 {{commitDate .}}

commitDescription <Commit>

Renders description of Commit.

 {{commitDescription .}}

revertedCommit <Commit>

Renders reverted commit refered to by Commit.

 {{revertedCommit .}}

ifIssueType <Issue> type="<type>"

Conditional, renders a block if given Issue is of type.

 {{#ifIssueType . type="fix"}} is type fix {{/ifIssueType}}

ifIssueTypeOtherThan <Issue> type="<type>"

Conditional, renders a block if given Issue is of type.

 {{#ifIssueTypeOtherThan . type="fix"}} is not type fix {{/ifIssueTypeOtherThan}}

ifCommitType <Commit> type="<type>"

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit is of type.

 {{#ifCommitType . type="fix"}} is type fix {{/ifCommitType}}

ifCommitTypeOtherThan <Commit> type="<type>"

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit is of type.

 {{#ifCommitTypeOtherThan . type="fix"}} is not type fix {{/ifCommitTypeOtherThan}}

ifCommitBreaking <Commit>

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit is breaking.

 {{#ifCommitBreaking .}} is breaking {{/ifCommitBreaking}}

ifCommitScope <Commit> scope="utils"

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit has scope.

 {{#ifCommitScope . scope="utils"}} is scope utils {{/ifCommitScope}}

ifCommitHasFooters <Commit>

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit has footers.

 {{#ifCommitHasFooters .}} has footers {{/ifCommitHasFooters}}

ifCommitHasParagraphs <Commit>

Conditional, renders a block if given Commit has paragraphs.

 {{#ifCommitHasParagraphs .}} has paragraphs {{/ifCommitHasParagraphs}}

eachCommitScope <Commit>

Renders block for each scope in Commit.

 {{#eachCommitScope .}}
  scope: {{.}}

eachCommitRefs <Commit>

Renders block for each refs in Commit.

 {{#eachCommitRefs .}}
  references issue: {{.}}

eachCommitFixes <Commit>

Renders block for each fixes in Commit.

 {{#eachCommitFixes .}}
  fixes issue: {{.}}

eachCommitParagraph <Commit>

Renders block for each paragraph in Commit.

 {{#eachCommitParagraph .}}

eachCommitFooter <Commit>

Renders block for each footer in Commit.

 {{#eachCommitFooter .}}

Optional tokenMatching regex parameter filters footer tokens.

ifFooterHasValue <Footer>

Conditional, renders a block if given Footer has value.

 {{#eachCommitFooter .}}
   {{#ifFooterHasValue .}}

ifEquals <a> <b>

Conditional, renders a block if a equals b.

 {{name}} Unreleased ? {{#ifEquals name "Unreleased"}} ja {{else}} nej {{/ifEquals}}

ifMatches <a> <b>

Conditional, renders a block if a matches regexp b.

{{#eachCommitFixes .}}
 {{#ifMatches . "^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+"}}
  fixes : "{{subString . 0 3}}" and number {{subString . 4}}

subString <a> <b> <c>

Works just like Java substring.

{{#eachCommitFixes .}}
 {{#ifMatches . "^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+"}}
  fixes : "{{subString . 0 3}}" and number {{subString . 4}}


The template is supplied with this context of prepopulated mustache/handlebars variables:

Click here to show context

(ownerName, repoName, urlParts - derived from the clone URL, git remote origin MUST BE SET)
- ownerName (for this repo it would be "tomasbjerre")
- repoName (for this repo it would be "git-changelog-lib")
- urlParts (for this repo it would be [git-changelog-lib, tomasbjerre, git@github.com])
* commits
 - authorName
 - authorEmailAddress
 - commitTime
 - hash
 - hashFull
 - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
 - message (The full message)
 - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
 - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
 * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* tags
 - name
 - annotation
 - tagTime
 - hasTagTime
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * authors
  - authorName
  - authorEmail
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * issueTypes
  - name (Like GitHub, GitLab, Jira, ...)
  * issues
   - name
   - hasIssue
   - issue
   - hasLink
   - link
   - hasTitle
   - title
   - hasDescription
   - description
   - hasType
   - type
   - isJira
   - isGitHub
   - isGitLab
   - isCustom
   - isNoIssue
   - hasLabels
   - labels
   - hasLinkedIssues
   - linkedIssues
   - hasAdditionalFields
   - additionalFields
   * commits
    - authorName
    - authorEmailAddress
    - commitTime
    - hash
    - hashFull
    - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
    - message (The full message)
    - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
    - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
    * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
   * authors
    - authorName
    - authorEmail
    * commits
     - authorName
     - authorEmailAddress
     - commitTime
     - hash
     - hashFull
     - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
     - message (The full message)
     - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
     - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
     * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * issues
  - name
  - hasIssue
  - issue
  - hasLink
  - link
  - hasTitle
  - title
  - hasDescription
  - description
  - hasType
  - type
  - isJira
  - isGitHub
  - isGitLab
  - isCustom
  - isNoIssue
  - hasLabels
  - labels
  - hasLinkedIssues
  - linkedIssues
  - hasAdditionalFields
  - additionalFields
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
  * authors
   - authorName
   - authorEmail
   * commits
    - authorName
    - authorEmailAddress
    - commitTime
    - hash
    - hashFull
    - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
    - message (The full message)
    - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
    - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
    * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* authors
 - authorName
 - authorEmail
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
* issues
 - name
 - hasIssue
 - issue
 - hasLink
 - link
 - hasTitle
 - title
 - hasDescription
 - description
 - hasType
 - type
 - isJira
 - isGitHub
 - isGitLab
 - isCustom
 - isNoIssue
 - hasLabels
 - labels
 - hasLinkedIssues
 - linkedIssues
 - hasAdditionalFields
 - additionalFields
 * commits
  - authorName
  - authorEmailAddress
  - commitTime
  - hash
  - hashFull
  - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
  - message (The full message)
  - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
  - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
  * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)
 * authors
  - authorName
  - authorEmail
  * commits
   - authorName
   - authorEmailAddress
   - commitTime
   - hash
   - hashFull
   - merge (True if this is a merge-commit)
   - message (The full message)
   - messageTitle (Only the first line of the message)
   - messageBody (Everything, except the title)
   * messageBodyItems (List of strings, the lines after the title)


It has a builder for creating the changelog.


It can be used to calculate next version number, based on commits:

def nextVersion = gitChangelogApiBuilder()

println "Next version:" + nextVersion.toString();
println " Major:" + nextVersion.getMajor();
println " Minor:" + nextVersion.getMinor();
println " Patch:" + nextVersion.getPatch();

Settings can be supplied with the build or from a JSON config (documented here).