The Nyan Cat result printer for PHPUnit works with PHP 5.3.3 or later.
The recommended way to install the Nyan Cat result printer for PHPUnit is
through composer. Just create a composer.json
and run the php composer.phar install
command to install it:
"require-dev": {
"whatthejeff/nyancat-phpunit-resultprinter": "~1.2"
Once installed, add the following attributes to the <phpunit>
element in your
NOTE: If PHPUnit was not installed via composer, you also need to include
the composer autoloader. One easy way to do this is to add the following
attribute to the <phpunit>
element in your phpunit.xml
NOTE: Windows shell (cmd.exe) is not rendering ANSI characters correctly. However, there is a nice tool ansicon which handles this issues. After installing it your Windows shell will be able to render The Nyan Cat:
ansicon -i
To run the test suite, you need composer.
$ php composer.phar install
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
The Nyan Cat result printer for PHPUnit was heavily inspired by the glorious mocha/nyan.js.
The Nyan Cat result printer for PHPUnit is licensed under the MIT license.