Twitter streaming API for Processing by Gill.
Get API key if you don't have it.
This app allows you to stream tweets from twitter using the TwitterStream API.
####Past vs. Future This is the essential difference between the two APIs. Search goes back in time and streaming goes forward. When you first decide to collect tweets on a subject, you have nothing to start with. The search API is best used then to fill in the past 7 days for your subject matter. This is often called back-filling. With a database caught up to the present moment, you can then turn on the streaming API and capture all tweets going forward.
Getstream - you can get Streaming data in two ways.
stream = new Getstream();
//if you need non-stop streaminstream = new Getstream(num);
//set max tweets you want to getsearch()
fn takes two parameters : location, keywords(w/o parameters it will sample )-
keywords - you can get tweets contain given search terms
String terms[] = {"google",...};
location - you can narrow down the result with given location
each Tweet obj contains usernaem, msg, geocode, date.