A list of 99 machine learning projects for anyone interested to learn from coding and building projects
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aarpit1010Meesho
- Abhishek-Balaji
- AjayKhalsaMumbai
- Ali-FaniIran
- Ar-Kareem
- ayazamlaniDallas, TX
- bazithali@TnP-Consultants
- BlackTrace
- blue-gittyBrooklyn, NY
- ColeShelly
- DivS13
- doleyk
- gimseng
- GolamRashedAustralia
- Harshita-KanalIndia
- hasobiOpen Source Supporter
- hema59San Jose, CA
- jpbadanCapgemini Engineering
- jvsingh@SinghporaConsulting
- lifa123china
- luabrasFortaleza, CE - Brasil
- malwaredllcUnited States
- manelet
- mariamimmh
- mmotaa
- payaljindalBathinda, India
- piyush1806Concentrix
- Plutone11011
- ptractonUSA
- r0h1t21Infosys
- Ramesh977
- saadazghourSomewhere in Morocco
- saraheisaStealth Startup
- skycloThe Internet
- TylerYepRobinhood
- veeravignesh1Bangalore