- automated and benchmark tests for register import
- See if we can solve the notes problem for register import
- Take a look at converting register import to a streaming system
- instead of converting csv to csv, convert it directly into ledger format
- recognize existing entries that make for duplicates. Prefer email import to csv import
- handle Patreon emails. from bingo@patreon.com. subject 'Thank you for supporting your creators!'
- handle apple itunes emails
- handle long tall sally emails. from: 'customerservices@longtallsally.com'. Subject like: 'About your order...'. need to parse html. They don't send text/plain parts!
- handle asos orders. from: 'order_confirm@asos.com'. subject like: 'Thanks for your order!'. looks like I need to parse html again. possibly double-base64 encoded.