
jQuery Plugin that automatically syncs the height properties of the elements that match the given selector.

Primary LanguageHTML

jQuery Sync Heights Plugin

jQuery Plugin that automatically syncs the height properties of the elements that match the given selector.


// use $(window).load instead of $(document).ready to wait until all images have been loaded.
// Otherwise common height may be calculated without taking all images into account
    $('p').syncHeight({ 'updateOnResize': true});
// and to undo the syncing again run (here when the window is smaller than 500px): 
    if($(window).width() < 500){


height (default: false): set a static number in pixel (e.g. 250) to prevent from automatically figuring out the common height and using the given number.

updateOnResize (default: false): automatically sync elements if browser window gets resized

See also