
Using SQLalchemy to connect to database, query, and analyze.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Congratulations! You've decided to treat yourself to a long holiday vacation in Honolulu, Hawaii. To help with your trip planning, you decide to do a climate analysis about the area. The following sections outline the steps that you need to take to accomplish this task.

Part 1: Analyze and Explore the Climate Data
In this section, you’ll use Python and SQLAlchemy to do a basic climate analysis and data exploration of your climate database. Specifically, you’ll use SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib. To do so, complete the following steps:

Note that you’ll use the provided files (climate_starter.ipynb and hawaii.sqlite) to complete your climate analysis and data exploration.

Use the SQLAlchemy create_engine() function to connect to your SQLite database.

Use the SQLAlchemy automap_base() function to reflect your tables into classes, and then save references to the classes named station and measurement.

Link Python to the database by creating a SQLAlchemy session.
Perform a precipitation analysis and then a station analysis by completing the steps in the following two subsection