
learn how to use jasmine for behavior-driven testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

This is the project where we utilize test-driven methodology to define and check our project functions and features. The main app is a web-based RSS feed that will provide different articles based on imported RSS links. Jasmine is the main testing library we used in the project, and we'll be writing a variety of test cases to ensure our code passes - there are 14 test cases that we are required to write to pass this project.

How will this help my career?

  • Writing effective tests requires analyzing multiple aspects of an application including the HTML, CSS and JavaScript - an extremely important skill when changing teams or joining a new company.
  • Good tests give you the ability to quickly analyze whether new code breaks an existing feature within your codebase, without having to manually test all of the functionality.

How to run this app?

  • clone the repo to your local machine
  • open the index.html file in your browser
  • Towards the bottom of the webpage you'll find Jasmine summary page for all the tests it has run - green if all passed, and red if any of the spec failed.
  • The 14 required specs are defined in the jasmine/spec/feedreader.js

Notes on the project

In addition to the 14 required test specs, I provided 2 more specs:

  • check each url in allFeeds objects matches with "http://" as a web link --> this currently passes
  • check each RSS feed will be hidden after they have been clicked --> this currently fails, needs to add function in app.js
    • I assume that each news feed link (a tag) will get a class of "visited" once they're clicked, then I simulate a click on the first link and expect the $(."visted") array length will differ befor and after the click.