
Helm release for Project Eirini

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Eirini Release

This is a helm release for Project Eirini.

NOTE: This is an experimental release and is still considered work in progress.


  • Make sure your Kubernetes cluster meets all SCF related Kubernetes Requirements.
  • Install Metrics server in the system namespace
  • Install helm
  • To be able to use the bits service private registry in your Kubernetes cluster, you need to have a signed TLS certificate, with a CA that the docker or containerd daemon on the nodes trust, and a CN that is pointing to the bits service.

Note: Eirini is currently being tested with HELM > 2.14.1, Kubernetes 1.13, and containerd as the container runtime.

Minimum cluster requirements

We have validated that the deployment can start with a single-node 4 core 16GB cluster, although the initial startup will be very slow with this setup. We recommend at least 8 cores and 16GB of RAM for the SCF control plane and at least two additional nodes that you can scale relative to the average consumption of resource of the applications that you will be deploying. To make staging of applications faster with Diego, operators should scale the Diego cells to the number of additional nodes.


  1. Choose a non NFS based StorageClass because MySQL does not work well with it. For additional information you can take a look at Storage Class

  2. Create a values.yaml based on this template.

  3. Make the Eirini helm repository available to helm:

    helm repo add eirini https://cloudfoundry-incubator.github.io/eirini-release
  4. Make the Bits helm repository available to helm:

    helm repo add bits https://cloudfoundry-incubator.github.io/bits-service-release/helm
  5. Install UAA:

    helm install eirini/uaa --namespace uaa --name uaa --values <your-values.yaml>
  6. Export the UAA ca certificate using the following commands:

    SECRET=$(kubectl get pods --namespace uaa -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.metadata.name=="uaa-0")].spec.containers[?(.name=="uaa")].env[?(.name=="INTERNAL_CA_CERT")].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name}')
    CA_CERT="$(kubectl get secret $SECRET --namespace uaa -o jsonpath="{.data['internal-ca-cert']}" | base64 --decode -)"
  7. Export the Registry certificate in the BITS_TLS_KEY and BITS_TLS_CRT environment variables. (see Certificates)

  8. Install CF:

    helm install eirini/cf --namespace scf --name scf --values <your-values.yaml> --set "secrets.UAA_CA_CERT=${CA_CERT}" --set "eirini.secrets.BITS_TLS_KEY=${BITS_TLS_KEY}" --set "eirini.secrets.BITS_TLS_CRT=${BITS_TLS_CRT}" 


    The above command will take the default value for rootfs_version. In case you want to specify a rootfs_version at deploy time use

    --set "bits.opi.rootfs_version=vx.x.x" \
    --set "eirini.opi.rootfs_version=vx.x.x"

    Note: Both versions should be the same!

This will download the mentioned version of eirinifs.tar. (see eirinifs releases)

  1. Use the following command to verify that every CF control plane pod is running and ready:

    watch kubectl get pods -n scf


Storage Class

It is highly recommended to use fast storage class for the blobstore. MySQL does not work with NFS-based storage.

Using the HostPath Provisioner

As storage class, you can deploy a hostpath provisioner to your cluster. You can for example follow the documentation in this repository. hostpath is not recommended for production use.

You can execute the following commands to have the hostpath provisioner installed in your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaZderMind/hostpath-provisioner/master/manifests/rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaZderMind/hostpath-provisioner/master/manifests/deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaZderMind/hostpath-provisioner/master/manifests/storageclass.yaml

Production Deployment

In a production settings ideally there should be existing storage classes that work with the deployment. In that case, you can either remove the storage_class properties from your scf-config-values.yaml file to use the default storage class, or alternatively set the properties to the storage class needed.

IBMCloud Kubernetes Service (IKS)

In IBM Kubernetes Service, it is recommended to use storage block storage class. See more how to enable it in IBM Cloud documentation

Additional details about deploying Eirini can be found in the contrib folder.


Please provide a serving certificate for bits service trusted by containerd/dockerd. In addition to usual globally trusted certificates, dockerd also supports self signed certificates. To know more about them please refer to docker documentation.

However, containerd requires the signing authority for the registry certificate to be trusted OS wide. You could do this by getting a Let's encrypt certificate or in IBMCloud Kubernetes Service, you could follow these instructions:

IKS provides ingress with a globally trusted certificate. The certificate is stored in a secret in the default namespace and has the same name as your cluster. You can use the following commands to export the certificates in the required environment variables:

BITS_TLS_CRT="$(kubectl get secret "$(kubectl config current-context)" --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 --decode -)"
BITS_TLS_KEY="$(kubectl get secret "$(kubectl config current-context)" --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.data['tls\.key']}" | base64 --decode -)"

It is recommended to deploy Eirini with ingress and use that certificate in IKS.

Service Account

When an app is pushed with Eirini, the pods are assigned the default Service Account in opi.namespace. By default, when the cluster is deployed with RBAC authentication method, that Service Account should not have any read/write permissions to the Kubernetes API. Since RBAC is preffered to ABAC, we recommend using the former.

Network policies

Apps pushed by Eirini currently cannot be accessed directly from another app container. This is accomplished by creating a NetworkPolicy resource in the namespace in which Eirini deploys apps.

In order to use network policies in your cluster, you must use a compatible container network plug-in, otherwise creating a NetworkPolicy resource will have no effect.

Both IKS (is automatically setup) and GKE (has to be enabled) support a network plug-in called Calico, which supports defining network policies.

For other implementations of the Kubernetes networking model, take a look here. Keep in mind that not all implementations support defining network polcies (e.g. Flannel). For a more detailed comparison between different plugins, take a look here (not maintained by us).

Securing SCF endpoints

It is not possible to do it with native Kubernetes network policies. In order to achieve this, the CNI plugin can be used directly. If you're using Calico on IBMCloud, you can run the following command:

calicoctl apply --config $CALICOCNF -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: deny-scf-access
  namespace: eirini
  - Egress
  - action: Deny
      namespaceSelector: name == 'scf'
  - action: Allow

You can use this guide to export $CALICOCNF on IBM Cloud.

Note that GKE does not currently support creating custom Calico network policies.
