
A CircleCi orb to interact with dnsimple



The main goal of this repo is to create a Circle CI orb that connect to DNSimple and create a new record for us, on the ginetta.dev domain.


  • validate the orb: circleci orb validate dns-orb.yml
  • create a new namespace: circleci namespace create ginetta github ginetta
  • create an orb and attach it to Ginetta's namespace: circleci orb create ginetta/dnsimple
  • publish the orb: circleci orb publish dns-orb.yml ginetta/dnsimple@0.0.1
  • remove an existing orb: circleci orb unlist ginetta/dnsimple
  • publish a new version of the orb: circleci orb publish increment dns-orb.yml ginetta/dnsimple [major|minor|patch]