
🖼 Simple demo of image processing in Javascript using HTML5 and Canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Canvas Dither


Simple demo of image processing in Javascript using HTML5 and Canvas.

Recent Changes

  • Includes a timer for performance testing
  • Now able to dither/process each channel (R, G and B) separately, producing interesting effects
  • Now allows for choosing your own image to process
  • Moved processing to a Web Worker
  • Now able to output images in three different formats! (Assuming your browser supports it)
  • Renders to an <img> element rather than just to a canvas
  • Can filter pixels using a simple threshold as well as Atkinson dithering (which, obviously, is what you're here for)

Future Plans

  • Create fallback for when web workers are not available
  • Enable drag-and-drop custom image selection
  • Improve compatibility
  • Probably going to re-style to look more like classic Mac OS (currently borrows a lot of design language and ideas from OS X, like fractal-thing.)

Version History


  • Full implementation of algorithm in main JS thread
  • Renders to an <img> element


  • Moved to Web Workers


  • Allowed custom image uploads
  • Deal more effectively with large/broken/invalid images


  • Enabled processing each channel separately, all required channels are processed in one pass
  • Tidied up some stuff, made JS create its canvas itself and render off screen
  • Added timers for performance testing


  • Render on every change
  • Added BMP output format
  • Added shortcut keys (numbers=dithering, alt+numbers=grayscale, letters=some other controls)
  • Added datalist for each range slider
  • Hide sliders when not relevant
  • Fire setup only when DOM ready
  • Added Decomposition grayscale
  • Added Desaturation grayscale
  • Added Desaturation grayscale
  • Added Shades grayscale
  • Added Single Channel grayscale
  • Added Disable dithering
  • Added Burkes dithering
  • Added False Floyd-Steinberg dithering
  • Added Floyd-Steinberg dithering
  • Added Jarvis-Judice-Ninke dithering
  • Added Sierra dithering
  • Added Sierra 2-row dithering
  • Added Sierra Lite dithering
  • Added Stucki dithering
  • Change spelling of greyscale to grayscale
  • Added output image scaling

To Do

  • Add Brightness
  • Add Contrast
  • Add Sharpen
  • Add Saturation
  • Add Lightness
  • Add Bayer dithering
  • Add Save/Load serialised prefs to/from cookie/file
  • Fix legacy console.time warnings
  • Use Uint8ClampedArray for faster drawing


Takes a lot of learned stuff from my fractal-thing project (and improves on it significantly).

Example image is by Keven Law, and sourced from flickr. Image is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.

Grayscale methods from Tanner Helland PhotoDemon blog

Dithering methods from Tanner Helland PhotoDemon blog
