Node Red Microsoft SQL Server Storage Plugin
This plugin allows you to store your flows and library entries in MySQL. Thanks to adibenmati whose MongoDb storage plugin served as a template to create this one.
Getting Started
For this one, you'll need a separate script to start your Node Red, as per the guide for running a custom Node-Red inside your process:
Firstly, require the module:
npm install --save node-red-contrib-mysql-storage-plugin
Then, in your settings, add:
const storageModule = require('node-red-contrib-mysql-storage-plugin');
const sqlConfig = {
user: 'sa',
password: 'myPassword',
host: 'SQL01',
database: 'NodeRed',
port: 3306
// Node-RED settings
const settings = {
storageModuleOptions: {
//set the collection name that the module would be using
flows: 'NodeRedFlows',
sessions: 'NodeRedSessions',
credentials: 'NodeRedCredentials',
settings: 'NodeRedSettings',
library: 'NodeRedLibrary'
Note that for sqlConfig I recommend storing all of the values in your .env file instead of hardcoding them like above. Then your sqlConfig could just look like this:
const sqlConfig = {
user: process.env.MYSQL_USER,
password: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD,
host: process.env.MYSQL_SERVER,
database: process.env.MYSQL_DATABASE,
port: process.env.MYSQL_PORT
Lastly, you will need to create the tables by running the CreateTables.sql file against your database.
- I do not have the library functions working completely yet - you can save library entires but I haven't figured out what I am missing to recall them. PRs welcome!