
This is a replacement for Godot's InterpolatedCamera, which Godot is removing in Godot 4.0..

Primary LanguageGDScript

To use, if you were inheriting a node/scene from InterpolatedCamera, you can simply:
  1. In your .tscn file(s), change the type of the relevant node/scene, from
  InterpolatedCamera, to MyInterpolatedCamera
  2. In the related .gd file(s), if you have 'extends InterpolatedCamera', change
  'extends InterpolatedCamera' to 'extends MyInterpolatedCamera'

This code does not handle the case where the target itself is a Camera node.
I did not need that functionality, so I omitted it from this port.

I am placing this port in the public domain (CC0).

UChin Kim -- 08 nov 2020.