
(Minecraft Datapack) — Allows you to create a spawn, teleport to it, and add a radial protection.

Primary Languagemcfunction


This datapack allows you to set a spawn point, teleport to it (from any dimension), and add radial protection.



Command Description
/trigger spawn Teleport to the spawn location
/function spawn:set Sets the spawn location
/function spawn:protect Outputs the protection options
/function spawn:uninstall Uninstall the datapack



/trigger spawn says 'You cannot trigger this objective yet'

You'll need to set your spawn before being able to use /trigger spawn. :)



  • load
    • init
  • spawn:set
    • spawn:scripts/getcoords
    • spawn:set/summonspawnentity
  • spawn:main/teleport
    • Multidimensional Teleport
  • spawn:protect
    • spawn:protect/displayborder